Dr. Stephanie Conn is a cop-turned-psychologist and author of Increasing Resilience in Police and Emergency Personnel. Her passion is to assist first responders to be healthy while doing their job.
Stephanie began her career as a dispatcher/call-taker for police, fire, and ambulance service. She became a police officer, a member of the Critical Incident Stress Management and Peer Support Team where she gained valuable experience helping fellow first responders with their reactions to traumatic events, as well as the day-to-day wear and tear of the job.
Stephanie is active in policing, working with the Fraternal Order of Police, International Association of Chiefs of Police, and other agencies across the U.S.
Along with her own experience, Stephanie grew up the daughter of a policeman and is married to an officer; these relationships provide her with a unique understanding and perspective that helps her understand what it's like to be affected by the police member's work.
Dr. Stephanie Conn joins The CopDoc Podcast on November 22, 2022.