Dr. Chaires has three decades of law enforcement experience, a third of that time spent at the executive management level. He served as the Assistant Police Chief for Schenectady, NY Police Department for seven years before being named Chief of Police in September 2008. In December of 2012, Chaires retired to complete degree requirements for a Ph.D. at the Rockefeller School of Criminal Justice, State University of New York at Albany. He received his Ph.D. in May of 2015, as well as the Walter M. Francis Policing Award.
During his tenure as a law enforcement executive, Chaires implemented several key crime reduction strategies (e.g., CompStat, Directed Patrol) and collaborated with the County District Attorney to significantly expand the exemplary public surveillance camera system in his jurisdiction. He created the agency’s Human Resources Bureau, which, in turn, led to several important administrative programs (e.g., performance management, leadership development, and wellness). Finally, he partnered with researchers to evaluate the agency’s implementation of CompStat and to measure officers’ performance regarding procedural justice.
Dr. Chaires is a second-career academic, teaching Criminal Justice at Tennessee State University. A U.S. Air Force veteran, Mark is actively involved in the Imagination Library of Middle Tennessee, a non-profit started by Dolly Parton. It addresses the issue of early literacy.
Dr. Chaires joins The CopDoc Podcast on October 4th, 2021.